Anavilhanas National Park is located in the State of Amazonas, North Brazil and it was created to protect Anavilhanas Fluvial Archipelago and its Igapó (Flooded Forest) and Terra Firme (Never Flooded) Forests. The National Park has an area of 350.000 hectares and it is situated on the Southern section of Negro River (Rio Negro), the largest “Black Water River” in the world, between the municipality of Novo Airão and the city of Manaus. It has more than 400 islands making it the second largest freshwater archipelago in the world.
Anavilhanas represents the “Black Water” ecosystem. The “Black Water” ecosystem is poor on nutrients and because of that a unique set of plants have to find alternatives ways to access the nutrients they need to grow and fruit. The unique water conditions lead to a composition of flora and fauna that differs significantly from that found in whitewater sources.
The Avifauna is very rich and several species can be seen such as Agami Heron, White Hawk, Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl, Band-tailed Nighthawk, Festive Parrot, Dusky Parrot, Scaly-breasted Woodpecker, Red-necked Woodpecker, Channel-billed Toucan, Red-billed Toucan, Paradise Jacamar, Green-tailed Jacamar, Pied Puffbird, White-tailed Trogon, Mouse-coloured Antshrike, Amazonian Antshrike, Black-crested Antshrike, Scale-backed Antbird, Black-faced Antbird, Leaden Antwren, White-crowned Manakin, Coraya Wren, Collared Gnatwren, Opal-rumped Tanager, Red-legged Honeycreeper and many others. Other wild life like Brown-throated Three-Toed Sloth, Gray Dolphin, Pink River Dolphin, Squirrel Monkey, Amazon Tree Boa, Amazon Racerunner and other reptiles and a big variety of amphibians are also often seen in our trips.